Sunday, March 28, 2010

I have one question :

How do u always keep yourself happy? As in like you make yourself happy but not someone makes u happy.

*.* i want to know the secret if possible :P

Wednesday, March 17, 2010




pokes jo



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emotional release

I dunno why i feel released.
By right, i should be sad.
Sad, to let go.
But no,
i feel free?

Monday, March 15, 2010

One Question

I did something that i normally wont do =)
I volunteer to present in a tutorial.
Is that consider an small achievement? Teehee =)

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Omg, i actually spelled random as Ramdon =.=

Hmm...does it makes u wonder erm how u could write long posts in just 5 mins but take the whole day to do one essay, that is one page if you're lucky of course, but sometimes ( most of the times for me) it takes two days just to finish one paragraphy in which in those situation, i normally get distracted by a couple of thingys ^^

I guess i need my life back too. I've been living in a self created fantasy for too long till i cant differentiate real life and in game. I cant help it really, in games sounds more comfy as in you have the freedom to be who you want, or you would like to be with, of course surprisingly in games have dramas too!

If the dramas is compared to the real life drama, i bet anyone would prefer to stay in game probably. I have to admit that I'm so into it till I've living in it for a the past few months really where all my energy are focus in it where my current life is practically abandon. I apologize to my friends and classmates where i in fact has neglected them.

I'm sorry, i will start anew now but rather slowly. I just need some time to heal and move on.

Let's see what i wish to do, maybe look up the night sky once in a while, hanging out in mph stores, have some sushi, travel, probably try some other stuff where i didnt dare to try before.

Before that, let me work hard to get out of this.

According to Miss Kang, no one can tell u that you cant. Not even yourself.


I think i'm in a complicated situation, oh wait, it isnt that complicated, i'm just being complicated. I knew the truth and facts that lies before me. I knew what i must do, i knew i shouldnt waste time, i knew i should focuses more on other stuff but i still couldnt let go.

Hmmm how should i put this? i'm trying to move on but at the same time i'm living in the past. Complicated situation? or Not?

Maybe it's not as hard as it seems. Maybe it is hard since i have trouble letting go. I'm still upset and miss her definitely. Sigh i just hope she listens to me even just one last time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Loving myself

i think i had often or perhaps most of the time interpreted that phrase wrongly. I thought loving myself meant that allocating more time to do the things that i want, thinking of myself, not caring about others.

Perhaps those things does naturally contribute to the elements of loving self but that is not the roots of the subject. That i think will be refer to pampering or spoiling yourself but not loving.

I think i finally understood what that terms means, after 2 decades being alive. Loving yourself literally mean, accepting who you are and working constantly of developing yourself. The biggest challenge i think is to accept that you're a nobody. It's cruel but it's a must. I'm not sure if that's the correct way to begin with, but you wouldn't know if it's right or wrong till you actually takes a step.